Fangirl. Illustrator. Graphic Designer.



Commissions are open

Graphic Design
Starting price: PHP 300 / $6
-Kpop events (cupsleeve events, fan support designs)
-Other events (posters, tarp desigm merch design)
-Publicity materials
-Slogan designs

Cupsleeve event package: PHP 750 / $15
-Cupsleeve layout
-Announcement layout or 1 freebie design (Usual freebies: pc design, slogan, twibbon/fb frame, sticker, memopad)

Starting Price: PHP1000 / $20
-Branding (logo, headers)


PHP Prices

USD Prices

50% downpayment before startingI have the right to refuse a commissionPrices stated are for non-commercial use only. For commercial-use, grant of rights to be agreed upon. Contract to be drafted.For international orders, client shoulders paypal fee: 3% + 0.3USD


Q. Can I post your art on *insert socmed here*?

A. No. Things you can do instead:
Twitter: RT, Reply, Quote, Like
IG: Add post to story, Reply, Like
FB: Share to story, Share as post, Reply, Like

Q. Can I use it as profile picture?

A. Sure. Credit as: icon by @elysixart on your bio (twt, ig) or caption (facebook)

Q. Can I print your art?

A. No. Only stuff posted as [Printable] is allowed to be printed.

Q. Can I use it as wallpaper?

A. Sure. Wallpapers are available on my ig highlights or on twitter posted as [wallpaper ver.]

Q. Can you paint me for free?

A. Only if you win an art request, usually held on my twitter acc. I can still paint you, my price starts at $6.

Q. How do I commission you?

A. You can reach my DM on any of my socials. You can send in a sample from my work that you like. We'll work on a price. After that, I will need 50% dp before I begin. You can ask for a sketch, otherwise, a watermarked draft will be sent before I ask for full payment.
Final output will be .png file. You can request a .pdf for printing.